Welcome to the 9th Annual IoT Security Foundation Conference; the world’s longest-running conference dedicated to IoT cybersecurity.
The Annual IoTSF Conference has built a loyal global following from the IoT stakeholder community and is renowned for delivering high-quality conference programmes. Our theme this year is AI and, of course, we’ll also be updating attendees on important themes which feature regularly so we can live up to our ‘best practice, next practice’ mantra.
Securing the IoT in the Era of AI
All technology is dual purpose, it simply depends on who is wielding it whether it is used for good or nefarious goals. The Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence hold great promise yet they both come with significant risks – how do we get the benefits whilst managing the potential harms?
In this session we explore what AI and IoT security means for technology producers, users and society – the challenges ahead and what is necessary to overcome them.
Future Foundations by Design
Cybersecurity is an arms race between users – good faith actors – and the nefarious. This arms race is especially important in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), as more systems are deployed and there are rapidly increasing numbers of connected devices that maybe poorly secured.
In this session, expert speakers will explore whats ahead for IoT security and how we can design better security for the future. We will discuss topics including automation, network and device security schemas of the future.
Emerging Threats to the Smart Built Environment
AI and IoT technology is being integrated into business systems in the Smart Built Environment at an increasing rate. Businesses which fail to identify, validate and risk assess data, processed by AI systems, could bevulnerable to a breach, regulatory, legal or contractual obligations. CISOs face the challenges of burnout and stress.
In this session, expert speakers will explore procurement best practises for securing AI and IoT, how to review and create new AI business policies, and the implications of burn out and stress in the Smart Built Environment. The panel will consider the threats and challenges raised by the speakers and other areas of business risk management
Regulation Countdown
International regulations are being developed which affect manufacturers, distributors and importers of internet-connected products. These include the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) in Europe, plus the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Bill in the UK.
In this session, we will provide the latest updates on security practice research, regulation, enforcement and where to find help.
Secure IoT Best Practice Sessions
Getting the latest insights and updates to IoT cybersecurity best practice is a staple for the annual conference and this year is no different with 3 dedicated sessions. These sessions are intended for developers and practitioners who design, operate or use IoT applications. Stand on the shoulders of giants and get insights from product design, system architecture and supply chain management.
Conference Agenda
Click on a title or button to find out more about our topics and presenters
08:30 Registration
Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Securing the IoT in the Era of AI
Securing the IoT in the Era of AI
Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Refreshment Break
After this point the conference will break into two tracks. The blocks below show each session between breaks. Click on a presentation title for abstract and speaker information.
Track 1
Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Track 2
Turing Lecture Theatre
Future Foundations by Design
Secure IoT Best Practice Session 1
Track 1: Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Future Foundations By Design
Keynote: AI and Cybersecurity: The Future of Security
Ben Azvine, Global Head of Security Research, BT Group
Keynote: AI and Cybersecurity: The Future of Security
Ben Azvine, Global Head of Security Research, BT Group
Secure Networking by Design
Prof. Andrew Martin, Professor of Systems Security in the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Secure Networking by Design
Prof. Andrew Martin, Professor of Systems Security in the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Monitoring and Managing Trustworthy Systems from IoT to AI
Nick Allot, CEO, NquiringMinds
Monitoring and Managing Trustworthy Systems from IoT to AI
Nick Allot, CEO, NquiringMinds
Track 2: Turing Lecture Theatre
Secure IoT Best Practice 1
The Future of IoT Security
Shahram Mossayebi, CEO and Co-Founder, Crypto Quantique
The Future of IoT Security
Shahram Mossayebi, CEO and Co-Founder, Crypto Quantique
Mining for relevant vulnerabilities in connected devices
Florian Lukavsky, CTO, ONEKEY
Mining for relevant vulnerabilities in connected devices
Florian Lukavsky, CTO, ONEKEY
Device Private Networks – Zero Trust is the Way Forward!
Dr. Syed Zia, Security Engineer and Cryptographer, ANGOKA
Device Private Networks – Zero Trust is the Way Forward!
Dr. Syed Zia, Security Engineer and Cryptographer, ANGOKA
Securing the AI Supply Chain
Xander Heemskerk, Director Product Security, Royal Philips
Securing the AI Supply Chain
Xander Heemskerk, Director Product Security, Royal Philips
Buffet Lunch
Track 1
Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Track 2
Turing Lecture Theatre
Emerging Threats to the Smart Built Environment
Secure IoT Best Practice Session 2
Track 1: Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Emerging Threats to the Smart Built Environment
Cybersecurity – Shared Responsibility
Kieran Byrne, Leader of Architecture & Engineering (A&E) Program, Axis Communications
Cybersecurity – Shared Responsibility
Kieran Byrne, Leader of Architecture & Engineering (A&E) Program, Axis Communications
AI Policy Challenges to Security Processes
Mo Ahddoud, Chief Information Security Officer, Chameleon Cyber Consultants
AI Policy Challenges to Security Processes
Mo Ahddoud, Chief Information Security Officer, Chameleon Cyber Consultants
Cyber Resilience of the Smart Built Environment
Sarb Sembhi, CTO, Virtually Informed
Cyber Resilience of the Smart Built Environment
Sarb Sembhi, CTO, Virtually Informed
James Willison, Project and Engagement Manager, IoT Security Foundation
James Willison, Project and Engagement Manager, IoT Security Foundation
Collaborative Solutions for a Safer SBE
Panel, chaired by Sarb Sembhi
with Panellists, Mo Ahddoud, Nigel Stanley (Jacobs, Director of Cyber Security), Alan Jenkins (Cyber Security Navigator, Principal Consultant), and Kieran Byrne.
Track 2: Turing Lecture Theatre
Secure IoT Best Practice 2
Designing IoT Devices in the AI Era
Ian Pearson, Principle Embedded Solutions Engineer, Microchip Technology Inc.
Designing IoT Devices in the AI Era
Ian Pearson, Principle Embedded Solutions Engineer, Microchip Technology Inc.
IoT Security – What You Don’t Know Can Kill You
Scott Register, VP, Security Solutions, Keysight
IoT Security – What You Don’t Know Can Kill You
Scott Register, VP, Security Solutions, Keysight
Protected or Porous: A Comparative Analysis of Threat Detection Capability of IoT Safeguards
Anna-Maria Mandalari, Assistant Professor, UCL
Protected or Porous: A Comparative Analysis of Threat Detection Capability of IoT Safeguards
Anna-Maria Mandalari, Assistant Professor, UCL
Security is More Effective and Efficient if Embedded into Culture
Jennifer Williams, Director of IT and Operations, Secarma
Security is More Effective and Efficient if Embedded into Culture
Jennifer Williams, Director of IT and Operations, Secarma
Refreshment Break
Track 1
Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Track 2
Turing Lecture Theatre
Regulation Countdown
Secure IoT Best Practice Session 3
Track 1: Kelvin Lecture Theatre
Regulation Countdown
Radio Equipment Directive Cyber regulation and what you need to know
Richard Marshall, Founder and Director, Xitex
Radio Equipment Directive Cyber regulation and what you need to know
Richard Marshall, Founder and Director, Xitex
An overview of the Enforcement Approach for PSTI Product Security Regime
Veena Dholiwar, Enforcement of Product Security Legislation, DSIT and Michael Sawyer, OPSS
An overview of the Enforcement Approach for PSTI Product Security Regime
Veena Dholiwar, Enforcement of Product Security Legislation, DSIT and Michael Sawyer, OPSS
Connected but at Risk: IoT Stakeholders and Looming Vulnerability Disclosure Regulation
David Rogers & Rohan Panesar, CEO & Cyber Security Standards and Policy Specialist, Copper Horse Ltd.
Connected but at Risk: IoT Stakeholders and Looming Vulnerability Disclosure Regulation
David Rogers & Rohan Panesar, CEO & Cyber Security Standards and Policy Specialist, Copper Horse Ltd.
UK PSTI: The Legal Requirements and How to Satisfy Them
Jason Blake, IoT Certification Scheme Manager, The IASME Consortium Ltd
UK PSTI: The Legal Requirements and How to Satisfy Them
Jason Blake, IoT Certification Scheme Manager, The IASME Consortium Ltd
Christopher Bennison, Engagement Manager, IoT Security Foundation
Hosted by Christopher Bennison, Engagement Manager, IoT Security Foundation
Track 2: Turing Lecture Theatre
Secure IoT Best Practice 3
Operationalising Zero Trust in the era of AI
Tyler Gannon, Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategic Alliances, Device Authority
Operationalising Zero Trust in the era of AI
Tyler Gannon, Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategic Alliances, Device Authority
Product Security – Challenges, Successes, and Learnings
Dr Carolina Adaros, Product Security Expert, Bosch Security Systems
Product Security – Challenges, Successes, and Learnings
Dr Carolina Adaros, Product Security Expert, Bosch Security Systems
The Risks and Rewards of the Emerging Synergistic Building Portfolio
Michael Skurla, Chief Product Officer, Radix IoT, LLC
The Risks and Rewards of the Emerging Synergistic Building Portfolio
Michael Skurla, Chief Product Officer, Radix IoT, LLC
IoT Cyber Security Solutions & Services, A Bottom-Up Approach to IoT Cyber Security
Çağatay Büyüktopçu, Head of IoT Cyber Security, Arçelik Global
IoT Cyber Security Solutions & Services, A Bottom-Up Approach to IoT Cyber Security
Çağatay Büyüktopçu, Head of IoT Cyber Security, Arçelik Global
Conference Wrap-Up
Closing Remarks
Drinks Reception
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