This event has passed. Security Trainings and Conference Netherlands 2020
27th September 2020 @ 9:00 am - 2nd October 2020 @ 9:00 pm
Are you someone who is into embedded and hardware security? There are some amazing live hands-on trainings and conference talks offered by this year – all online! Security Conference & Trainings is a platform for the hardware and security community, where researchers showcase and discuss their innovative research on attacking and defending hardware.
Training: 27th to 30th September; 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM CEST
Conference: 1st to 2nd October; 6.00 PM – 9.00 PM CEST
Conference Talks:
- Taming Hydrofluoric Acid to Extract Firmware by John McMaster
- JackHammer: Rowhammer and Cache Attacks on Heterogeneous FPGA-CPU Platforms by Daniel Moghimi, Thore Tiemann, Zane Weissman
- Practical reverse engineering of ECC-based authentication device with zero knowledge by Dr. Sergei Skorobogatov
- Reversing & Emulating Samsung’s Shannon Baseband by Grant Hernandez & Marius Muench
- CANanalyze: a python framework for automotive protocols by Erwan Le Disez & Etienne Charron
- Toasting MCUs: A Firmware Extraction by EMFI by Karim M. Abdellatif & Olivier Hériveaux
- Things not to do when using an IOMMU by Ilja van Sprundel & Joseph Tartaro
- BadVibes – Sound Recovery using Bulb’s Vibrations by Boris Zadov & Yaron Pirutin
- Looking at Silicon by Ken Shirriff
- Under the hood of a CPU: Reverse Engineering the P6 microcode by Peter Bosch
Hardware Security Trainings:
- Connected car hacking by Guillaume Heilles & Maxime Rossi Bellom
- Hunting UEFI firmware implants by Alex Matrosov(postponed to 2-5 Nov)
- TEEPwn: breaking TEEs by experience by Cristofaro Mune
- RF hacking with software-defined radio by Sébastien Dudek
- BootPwn – pwning secure boot by experience by Niek Timmers
- Machine learning and SCA: an advanced tutorial by Stjepan Picek
- Advanced microcontrollers firmware exploitation by Alexander Bolshev
- Embedded physical attacks 101 by Lejla Batina, Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Leo Weissbart & Niels Samwel