The Internet of Things Security Summit Talks 2015, Bletchley Park
IoT Security Attack Surfaces Exposed
David Rogers – Copper Horse
David Rogers draws on experience of the mobile industry to illustrate vulnerabilities in emerging IoT applications. The mantra of the industry must be Secure by Default however not all systems are equal – connected industries must have a joined up conversation across the eco-system.
IoT Security: The Ugly Truth
Mike Muller – CTO, ARM
Mike Muller, CTO of ARM took us straight to the punch with his talk at the IoT Security Summit 2015. The ugly truth is that, despite your best efforts to engineer a secure system for IoT, if your products are successful you will be compromised. Tech providers have to think very carefully about…
Cryptography for the Internet of Things
Kenny Paterson – Royal Holloway University of London
Professor Kenny Paterson outlines how cryptography is one of the best tools for addressing privacy and security issues yet cautions “it is not pixie dust”. There are lots of ways to do it wrong and bad implementations can undermine the integrity of systems. Key technical challenges include…
Automotive Security: The Bad and the Ugly
Flavio Garcia
In this talk, Flavio explains how the traditional automotive context and changes to car technology are creating security vulnerabilities. He also challenges the claims of certain semiconductor suppliers regarding “unbreakable security”, exposing weaknesses due to poor…
Security for Mobile Things, Today and Tomorrow
Steve Babbage – Distinguished Engineer Vodafone
With remote sensing applications and the sheer volume of devices which will likely go into IoT/machine systems, there are fundamental questions regarding cost and battery life which have a direct impact on security. In this talk, Steve Babbage gives greater insight as to how…
IoT Security: A New Challenge for Consumers, Businesses and Regulators – Steve Unger Ofcom
Dr. Steve Unger talks about the importance of privacy in the Internet of Things and why commercial solutions need to address them without government or regulatory intervention. He outlines the role that consumer brandmarks can play in shielding technical detail whilst…
The Internet of Thingies
Ken Munro – Pen Test Partners
Ken Munro of Pen Test Partners takes us on an interesting, amusing and scary journey through internet connected consumer devices. From children’s toys (and, ahem, adult toys) to TV’s and cars. For anybody in a product company watching this, please heed…