IoTSF PROMOTED EVENT: The Future of Cybersecurity
18th July 2016 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
“The Future of Cybersecurity” event is being held on the afternoon of Monday 18th July in London
Join the Knowledge Transfer Network to debate the priorities and challenges for the UK cybersecurity sector and hear more about upcoming UK government plans.
There will also be speakers from the European Commission who will speak about the new contractual Public-Private Partnership (PPP) on Cyber security, aiming to stimulate the European cybersecurity industry.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
More details & registration are available via this link:
13.00 Networking Lunch
13.45 Welcome from the Digital Catapult
14.00 Welcome and Introductions – Dora Meredith, Innovate UK
Brief description of the aims for the afternoon and introduction to participants.
14.10 Overview of European Cybersecurity R&I – Aristotelis Tzafalias, European Commission
Description of the current EU calls in the cyber security area and an overview of the cPPP.
14.40 Overview of ECSO and Priorities – Luigi Rebuffi, ECSO
Overview of the current European industry priorities and cPPP developments.
15.00 Overview of UK Cybersecurity for Growth and Innovation – Stephen Rhodes, DCMS
Description of the work of DCMS on growth and innovation in this area, including a short update on government plans.
15.30 What are the Priorities for the UK Cybersecurity Sector?
Breakout into group to discuss priorities for the UK sector. This will be fed into the UK cybersecurity roadmap and will also be fed into European cPPP discussions.
16.20 Feedback
16.45 Summary and next steps
17.00 End