The IoT Security Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the IoT Security Champion Award, in conjunction with the TechWorks Awards.

The IoT Security Foundation seeks to identify and celebrate organisations which demonstrate good IoT security stewardship as part of the IoTSF’s mission to raise security standards and drive best practice adoption.

Within the application we invite applicants to tell us why they would be worthy winners of this prestigious award and submit evidence of security stewardship in one of more of the following areas:

  • Product or Service Design
  • Internal Organisational Processes (for example, senior management responsibilities, risk assessment, design and maintenance processes etc.)
  • Third party testing evidence
  • External Statements (for example having a public vulnerability disclosure contact point)
  • Standards
  • Influence on products procured or retailed
  • Influence on the supply chain
  • Adoption of Best Practices such as those provided by IoTSF

Applicants are further encouraged to identify aspects of security stewardship not covered in the above list.

Winners will be unveiled during the TechWorks Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony Event on 22nd November 2018 at the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, 45 Prescot Street, London, E1 8GP.

Go To TechWorks Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony Website

Who can apply?

The award is open to organisations that develop IoT products for the market OR act as a retailer or distributor OR deploy/use IoT to enjoy a business benefit such as productivity/efficiency gains or enabling an innovative service.

Applicants can be of any size organisation. The judges will make their decision based on the relative commitment made by the applicant – this is about demonstrating the importance of security to an organisation and/or its customers. As such, the judges will be looking for evidence of “walking the walk”.

Applicants can be from any sector and any part of the world.

Applicants do not have to be IoTSF members to apply for the award.

Award Benefits

The winner of the award will receive reputational and profile raising benefits. Tangible elements include: a physical award, a certificate, a press release and digital assets which can each be used for marketing purposes.

The IoT Security Foundation is the global champion for IoT security; as such this award is both prestigious and unique.

Apply Now

The award applications is now open and we invite you to apply here:

Application Closing Date: 5th October 2018

Sponsored by Paratus People

To find out more, please contact with Jenny Devoy

[email protected]

+44(0)1506 401210

Upcoming IoTSF Events for H2:2018

Smart Buildings Workshop: Sept 17, IBIS Earls Court, London

Next IoT Security Training Date: October 9th and 10th – Windsor, UK

Gala Awards and Dinner: (Announce and presentation of the winner of the IoT Security Champion Award) Nov 22

IoT Security Foundation Conference: Dec 4th – See the conference website