The exciting new series of monthly Zoom webinars continue on Thursday 30th March. The topic will be Smart Built Environment Guidance for Facilities Professionals.
Taking place on the final Thursday of every month throughout 2023, we’ll showcase the latest thought leadership on a range of topics so that you stay ahead of the curve on IoT security.
In this webinar we discuss new Guidance from the IoT Security Foundation on IoT Security for Facilities Professionals and focus on Smart Built Environments.
The IoTSF formed a Smart Building working group in 2017 to look at the issue of risk to buildings from cyber attacks.
The topic has become more important over the years and leaders from the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) joined to help write relevant and important guidance for facilities professionals and the key stakeholders they need to work with to manage the risk effectively.
In larger organisations, this will include cyber and physical security teams and be part of a general enterprise risk management strategy. But for many SMEs there will be fewer experts to help and this guidance indicates what needs to be done. It takes the view that by identifying the risk and requirements that the organisation will be more resilient.
We are delighted to welcome Sarb Sembhi, Co-Chair of the Smart Built Environment working group and IoTSF Executive Steering Board member.
Joining him will be James Willison, Co-Chair of the IoTSF Smart Built Environment working group.
What could be more important than securing our buildings against cyber attacks if our systems and the technology falls down?
Join host Chris Bennison on Thursday 30th March.