Establishing Principles for Internet of Things Security Download
Security is an important part of almost every IoT deployment yet is often neglected in the development of systems. Whilst ultimate security will likely remain elusive, we have to do all we can to add depth in our defences and make it ever harder for adversaries to succeed in their nefarious endeavours.
On that front there is good news; the underlying principles that inform good security practices are well established and quite stable. With a necessary “start at the beginning and successively raise the bar” mentality, IoTSF has set about bringing a focus to matters of IoT security.
This guide looks at questions that need to be considered when designing an IoT device, system or network. A common theme throughout is that investment in security at the design phase can save a lot of time, effort and potential embarrassment at a later date.
Whether you are a technology provider, a technology adopter or a technology user, we hope this stimulates thinking on how you can exercise care and extend a duty of care to others. We also hope that you’ll engage with IoTSF, as a stakeholder or perhaps as a member, and help us achieve our mission of making it safe to connect.
Download the Establishing Principles for Internet of Things Security PDF
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