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Feabhas, in partnership with What’s New in Electronics Live are pleased to announce Embedded Live 2018an event that brings the world of electronics together with an extensive exhibition and more.

It is a new UK conference for Embedded Software Developers, designed to bring together engineers and experts from across the world of embedded software development, to share their experience and knowledge. Just as with Agile for Embedded conference in 2017, Embedded Live will focus on techniques and user stories, rather than on tools and product pitches.

The Embedded Live 2018 conference programme will cover four current industry “hot topics”, over two days:

25 September – Agile for Embedded & Security and Safety

26 September – Real-Time Operating Systems & Quality and Reliability

Talks include IoTSF Board Member Ken Munro and colleague Andrew Tierney from PenTest Partners on “IoT reverse engineering and security fail” as well as a security focused talk from IoTSF Plenary Chair Richard Marshall.

For more information and registration go to: https://www.feabhas.com/embedded-live-2018

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