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This event aims to bring together leading experts in the field of IoT and Cybersecurity to educate participants on the:

  • potential threats and risks to their organisation
  • highlight real world examples of IoT attacks and the damage caused
  • IoT security best practice and frameworks

The event will also give participants the opportunity to network and meet leading experts and companies offering security products, solutions and services.

You can book tickets using the link below and there are a limited no. of Early Bird tickets available: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/secure-internet-of-things-tickets-34656095314

The event is supported by the Knowledge Transfer Network, Innovate UK’s network partner.

09.30  Registration, Refreshments and Networking
10.00  Welcome
10.15  Session 1: Threats and Real World Examples of IoT Hacks
11.25  Refreshments, Networking & Meet Exhibitors
11.55  Session 2: Security Frameworks, Guidelines and Standards
12.55  Lunch, Networking & Meet Exhibitors
13.55  Session 3: Security Best Practice
15.15  Refreshments, Networking & Meet Exhibitors
15.45  Session 4: Security Best Practice continued
17.00  Networking & Meet Exhibitors
17.30  Event Close

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