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This group is open (free) for business, academic, public sector and technical professionals interested in the ‘Internet of Things’ who wish network, share knowledge and experiences and develop business opportunities.

The next Meetup is on the evening of Wednesday 7th June at Green Park Conference Centre, 100 Longwater Avenue Green Park, Reading RG2 6GP, Reading.

You can register for this Meetup by visiting and following this link: https://www.meetup.com/Internet-of-Things-Thames-Valley


6.15 – 6.45 Drinks & Pizza Reception, Networking and meet the exhibitors

6.45 Welcome – Duncan Purves

6.50 “IoT & Embedded the Present, Product Update” Mike Fay, Business Development Manager, Dell EMC

7.00 “Building a Robot Army” Adam Green, Wireless Engineer, Ocado Technology

7.20 “Creator Open-source Framework for connecting & scaling IoT businesses” Paul Evans, Director Business Operations, Imagination Technologies

7.35 “PKI for IoT: The Automation Challenge”, Rob Dobson, Pre-Sales Director, Device Authority

750 “Innovate UK opportunities and news” Robin Kennedy, KTN

7.55 ‘ Showcase’

– “Industrial IoT: Evolving from development to deployment: Gateways or Integrated Nodes” Chris Begent, Co-Founder, Sixis

– “Catalonia and the Industrial IoT” Julia Strubell, Innovation Adviser, Catalonia Trade & Investment

8.05 – 9.45 Networking and meet the exhibitors

Register here:  https://www.meetup.com/Internet-of-Things-Thames-Valley

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