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The exciting new series of monthly Zoom webinars continue on Thursday 23rd February. The topic will be ‘SBoM’.

Taking place on the final Thursday of every month throughout 2023, we’ll showcase the latest thought leadership on a range of topics so that you stay ahead of the curve on IoT security.

A ‘software bill of materials’ (SBoM) has emerged as a key building block in software security and software supply chain risk management. IoTSF will soon publish best practice guidance to help vendors and industry navigate the nuances of SBoM.

This SBoM webinar will share details of the Supply Integrity Project’s work in this area and feature a guest expert speaker. With IoTSF’s Chris Bennison hosting, the first confirmed speaker will be Amyas Phillips (Ambotec and the Supply Chain Integrity Project Chair), Robert Dobson (Vice President – Technology Partners, Device Authority)and Allan Friedman (Senior Advisor and Strategist – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency).

Amyas Phillips

Ambotec / Supply Chain Integrity Project Chair.

Robert Dobson

Vice President of Technology Partners, Device Authority

Allan Friedman

Senior Advisor and Strategist, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

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