As a Technical Director of Thales in the UK, Peter has been their leading expert on Cryptography in the UK responsible for providing cryptography and information security direction and expertise on a variety of products and projects.
Previous work includes the development and certification of flexible and interoperable commercial security solutions that are also widely used by governments; these solutions are available worldwide and support the security of both communications and infomatics in an international, multi grade environment. Peter’s specialist knowledge is at the core of the cyber defence and forensics activities that he undertakes combatting existential treats against business. He can, and has, interacted on security and products at any level from Prime Minister, through Board to deep technical including Agencies, Certification Labs and partners developing and sustaining business opportunities worldwide.
Peter has generated patents in the area of digital DNA and his research covers aspects of technical security as well as aspects of super-identities and their role in combatting human based cyber-attacks. Peter has lead EU security research contract and has acted as an expert on others.
As well as contributing to standards, he is a frequent speaker at international conferences and deliver lectures to postgraduate information and cyber security programmes in the UK and worldwide.