SBOMs and Memory Safety

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SBOM and Memory Safety Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) are gaining momentum within the industry, largely due to the enactment of the “Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity”[1]. This act will lay the foundations for formally publishing an “ingredient list” for software based products. This ingredient list is intended to provide transparency to

TREs and the IoT – Enabling a Trusted Connected Future

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The IoT landscape is notoriously under-secured. In the rush to meet demand for online products, services and infrastructure, many manufacturers have adopted a ‘connect first, think later’ strategy where security has been an afterthought. This has resulted in years of serious security and privacy breaches.

President Biden’s Executive Order on Improving U.S. Cybersecurity

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This is a guest blog authored by Eric Greenwald, General Counsel at Finite State, and Matt Wyckhouse, Founder and CEO at Finite State.

Take note: UK Government publishes its proposed Code of Practice for Security in Consumer IoT

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March 7th 2018 The UK’s Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) published its Secure by Design Report today for improving the cyber security of consumer IoT. []. Naturally it is a development that we welcome at the Foundation and we have been active contributors through this first consultation occupying positions as industry

The Meltdown and Spectre Brouhaha

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Welcome to 2018, and welcome #Meltdown and #Spectre - a new duo of vulnerabilities which are shaking the security world, and the IoT world, to the very core - the processor core(s) that is. We've been having quite a discussion internally at IoTSF as to the technical nature of the exploits, the impact they

US Senators and IoT Security: Why Proposed Legislation Matters to Device Makers

By C.J.Abate, Director of Marketing, SecureRF In the face of ever-increasing Internet of Things (IoT) security threats, the US government has started efforts to regulate IoT security with a new bill raised in the Senate. Should the bill become law, it will require IoT equipment sold to the government be patchable and meet specific security