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On behalf of the Impactech Team we would like to invite you to attend their event on “Research and Development to Tackle Challenges in Cyber Security” on the 29th of January at the University of Southampton. This event will address key issues such as cybercrime and how to defeat it, promising and exciting new research that drives the main changes in cyber security, the importance of information sharing and collaboration, government strategies, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its implementation and finally the integration of cyber security in different applications such as blockchain, aviation and space.

This event offers technical presentations as well as it will be a great opportunity for you to meet and engage with experts from across academia and industry, where innovative technology in this exciting and rapidly developing field can be exploited and challenged.

Find out more here.


Draft Agenda

Chair: Prof Michael Butler, University of Southampton

09:30 Coffee & Registration

“Welcome & Introduction” – Dr Ghaithaa Manla, Impactech
“A New Approach for Cyber Security” – NCSC
“Strategies to Counter Directed Cyber Crime” – Peter Davies, Thales e-Security
“Service Ledgers: Towards Data Assurance Distributed Computation” – Prof Vladimiro Sassone, University of Southampton
“Cyber Security Academy” – Sarah Martin, University of Southampton

11:35 Tea, Coffee and Networking

“Identity and Access Management on the Age of Cloud” – Dr Federica Paci, University of Southampton
“Blockchain Services for Trustless Collaboration” – Dr Andrea Margheri, University of Southampton
“Oh, the Place Data Goes” – Prof Vladimiro Sassone, University of Southampton
“Verifying C & C++ with ESBMC” – Dr Denis Nicole, University of Southampton

13:00 Lunch and Networking

“GDPR and Cybersecurity; a Venn Diagram” – Rowenna Fielding, Protecture
“The Secure Remote Update Protocol: Securing the Internet of Things” – Andrew Poultner, DSTL
“How Secure, I Secure Enough?” – Mark West, Roke Manor
“Presentation Title To Be Confirmed” – Lloyds
“Blockchain and Energy” – Das Wijesundera and Ghislain Tsafack, Centrica
“Presentation Title To Be Confirmed” – National Grid

16:00 Tea, Coffee and Networking

Interactive Session: Case Studies
Chair: Talal Rajab, Head of Programme, Cyber and National Security, Tech UK

“Presentation Title To Be Confirmed” – Aruba
“The Approach to Securing the UK Connected Intelligent Transport Environment Project” – Patrick Lismore and Paul Brookes, Intelligent Traffic Systems, Siemens plc
“Organisational Lessons Learned from a Crypto Attack” – Matt Argyle, Children’s Hospice South West
“Next Generation Threats Utilising Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics” – Ian Glover, CREST International

16:55 Panel Discussion
17:20 Wrap Up & Close


For more information on this event, please contact Ghaithaa Manla.

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